Source code for pype9.simulate.common.simulation

from builtins import object
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from nineml import units as un
import numpy
import time
from pype9.exceptions import Pype9UsageError, Pype9NoActiveSimulationError
from pyNN.random import NumpyRNG
from future.utils import with_metaclass
from pype9.utils.logging import logger

[docs]class Simulation(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): """ Base class of all simulation classes that prepares and runs the simulator kernel. All simulator objects must be created within the context of a Simulation instance. .. code-block:: python with Simulation(dt=0.1 *, seed=12345) as sim: # Design simulation here The simulation is advanced using the ``run`` method .. code-block:: python with Simulation(dt=0.1 *, seed=12345) as sim: # Create simulator objects here * After the simulation context exits all objects in the simulator backend are destroyed (unless an exception is thrown) and only recordings can be reliably accessed from the "dead" Pype9 objects. Parameters ---------- dt : nineml.Quantity (time) The resolution of the simulation t_start : nineml.Quantity (time) The time to start the simulation from seed : int | None The seed with which to construct the cell/network properties. NB: This seed will only reproduce constant results if the number of MPI nodes is constant properties_seed : int | None The seed used for random number generator used to set properties and generate connectivity. If not provided it will be derived from the 'seed' argument. NB: This seed will only reproduce constant results if the number of MPI nodes is constant min_delay : nineml.Quantity (time) | None The minimum delay in the network. If None the min delay will be calculated from the first network to be created (if a single cell then it will be the same as the timestep) max_delay : nineml.Quantity (time) | None The maximum delay in the network. If None the max delay will be calculated from the first network to be created (if a single cell then it will be the same as the timestep) options : dict(str, object) Options passed to the simulator-specific methods """ max_seed = 2 ** 32 - 1 def __init__(self, dt, t_start=0.0 * un.s, seed=None, properties_seed=None, min_delay=1 *, max_delay=10 *, code_generator=None, build_base_dir=None, **options): self._check_units('dt', dt, un.time) self._check_units('t_start', dt, un.time) self._check_units('min_delay', dt, un.time, allow_none=True) self._check_units('max_delay', dt, un.time, allow_none=True) self._dt = dt self._t_start = t_start self._t = t_start self._min_delay = min_delay if min_delay > dt else dt self._max_delay = max_delay if max_delay > dt else dt self._options = options self._registered_cells = None self._registered_arrays = None if seed is not None and (seed < 0 or seed > self.max_seed): raise Pype9UsageError( "Provided seed {} is out of range, must be between (0 and {})" .format(seed, self.max_seed)) self._base_seed = seed if properties_seed is not None and (properties_seed < 0 or properties_seed > self.max_seed): raise Pype9UsageError( "Provided structure seed {} is out of range, must be between " "(0 and {})".format(seed, self.max_seed)) self._base_properties_seed = properties_seed if code_generator is None: code_generator = self.CodeGenerator(base_dir=build_base_dir) elif build_base_dir is not None: raise Pype9UsageError( "Cannot provide both code generator and 'build_base_dir' " "options to Simulation __init__") self._code_generator = code_generator @property def code_generator(self): return self._code_generator def __enter__(self): self.activate() return self def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): # @UnusedVariable self.deactivate(kill_cells=(type_ is None)) def activate(self): if self.__class__._active is not None: raise Pype9UsageError( "Cannot enter context of multiple {} simulations at the same " "time".format( self._set_seeds() self._running = False self._prepare() self._registered_cells = [] self._registered_arrays = [] self.__class__._active = self def deactivate(self, kill_cells=True): t_stop = self.t self.__class__._active = None if kill_cells: for cell in self._registered_cells: cell._kill(t_stop) for array in self._registered_arrays: array._kill(t_stop) else: logger.warning( "Not killing cells as an uncaught exception was thrown") self._registered_cells = None self._registered_arrays = None @property def dt(self): return self._dt @property def t(self): return self._t @property def t_start(self): return self._t_start @property def min_delay(self): return self._min_delay @property def max_delay(self): return self._max_delay @property def dynamics_seed(self): """ The seed used to construct the network and set its properties. If no explicit dynamics seed is used then it will also be used to seed the dynamics """ return self._dynamics_seeds[self.mpi_rank()] @property def properties_seed(self): """ The seed used to by random dynamic processes (typically in state assignments). """ return self._properties_seeds[self.mpi_rank()] @property def all_properties_seeds(self): return self._properties_seeds @property def properties_rng(self): if self._properties_rng is None: raise Pype9UsageError( "Can only access rng inside simulation context") return self._properties_rng @property def base_seed(self): """ Base seed from which all (except for structure seed if it is provided) process-specific seeds are generated """ return self._base_seed @property def base_properties_seed(self): return self._base_properties_seed @property def all_dynamics_seeds(self): return self._dynamics_seeds @property def global_seed(self): """Global seed passed to NEST grng""" return self._global_seed def _set_seeds(self): """ Generate seeds for each process/thread """ seed = self.gen_seed() if self._base_seed is None else self._base_seed seed_gen_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed) if self._base_properties_seed is None:"Using {} as seed for both properties and dynamics of " "{} simulation".format(seed, prop_seed_gen_rng = seed_gen_rng else:"Using {} as seed for properties and {} as seed for " "dynamics of {} simulation" .format(self._base_properties_seed, seed, prop_seed_gen_rng = numpy.random.RandomState( self._base_properties_seed) # Properties seeds are drawn before dynamics_seeds self._properties_seeds = numpy.asarray( prop_seed_gen_rng.uniform(low=0, high=self.max_seed, size=self.num_threads()), dtype=int) self._dynamics_seeds = numpy.asarray( seed_gen_rng.uniform(low=0, high=self.max_seed, size=self.num_threads()), dtype=int) self._global_seed = int(seed_gen_rng.uniform(low=0, high=self.max_seed, size=1,)) self._properties_rng = NumpyRNG(int(self.properties_seed)) @property def derived_properties_seed(self): return int(self.properties_rng.uniform(low=0, high=self.max_seed, size=1))
[docs] def run(self, t_stop, **kwargs): """ Run the simulation until time ``t_stop``. Parameters ---------- t_stop : nineml.Quantity (time) The time to run the simulation until """ self._check_units('t_stop', t_stop, un.time) if not self._running: self._initialize() self._running = True self._run(t_stop, **kwargs) self._t = t_stop
@abstractmethod def _run(self, t_stop, **kwargs): # @UnusedVariable """ Calls the simulator-specific functions to advance the simulation kernel until time t_stop Parameters ---------- t_stop : nineml.Quantity (time) The time to run the simulation until """ @abstractmethod def _prepare(self): "Reset the simulation and prepare it for creating new cells/networks" def _initialize(self): """ Just in time initialisations that are performed before the simulation starts running. """ for cell in self._registered_cells: cell.initialize() # Array initialisation is handled by PyNN @abstractmethod def mpi_rank(self): "The rank of the MPI node the code is running on" @abstractmethod def num_processes(self): "The number of MPI processes" @abstractmethod def num_threads(self): "The total number of threads across all MPI nodes" @classmethod def gen_seed(cls): return int(time.time()) def register_cell(self, cell): if cell.code_generator != self.code_generator: raise Pype9UsageError( "Equivlent code generators must be provided to both the " "CellMetaClass and Simulation objects ({} and {})" .format(cell.code_generator, self.code_generator)) self._registered_cells.append(cell) def register_array(self, array): cell_code_gen = array.celltype.model.code_generator if cell_code_gen != self.code_generator: raise Pype9UsageError( "Equivlent code generators must be provided to both the " "Network and Simulation objects ({} and {})" .format(cell_code_gen, self.code_generator)) self._registered_arrays.append(array) @classmethod def active(cls): if cls._active is not None: active = cls._active else: raise Pype9NoActiveSimulationError( "No {} simulations are currently active (cells and networks " "need to be initialized within an active simulation context)" .format( return active def _check_units(self, varname, val, dimension, allow_none=False): if not (val is None and allow_none): try: assert val.units.dimension == dimension except (AssertionError, AttributeError): raise Pype9UsageError( "Provided value to {} ({}) is not a valid '{}' " "quantity".format(varname, val,