Command Line Interface

The Pype9 command line interface will be installed on your system path when Pype9 is installed with Pip (see Installation), otherwise it can be found in the bin directory of the repository.

In a similar style to many popular command line tools (e.g. Git, Pip, Homebrew, etc..) there is a single command, pype9, which is used to switch between different pipelines, i.e.:

$ pype9 <cmd> <options> <args>

There are currently four pipeline switches:

  • simulate
  • plot
  • convert
  • help


Simulates a single cell defined by a 9ML Dynamics or DynamicsProperties, or a complete 9ML network, using either Neuron or NEST as the simulator backend.

Send ports and state-variables of the simulation can be recorded and saved to file in Neo format using the ‘–record’ option, e.g.:

$ pype9 simulate my_cell.xml nest 100.0 0.01 \
  --record my_event_port ~/my_even_port.neo.pkl

For single-cell simulations, analog and event inputs stored in Neo format can be “played” into ports of the Dynamics class using the ‘–play’ option e.g.:

$ pype9 simulate my_cell.xml nest 100.0 0.01 \
  --record my_event_port data-dir/my_even_port.neo.pkl \
  --play my_analog_receive_port data-dir/my_input_current.neo.pkl

Properties, initial values and the initial regime (for single cells) can be overridden with the ‘–prop’, ‘–initial_value’ and ‘–initial_regime’ respectively and must be provided for every parameter/state-variable if they are not in the model description file.

usage: pype9 simulate [-h] [--prop PARAM VALUE UNITS]
                      [--init_regime INIT_REGIME]
                      [--init_value STATE-VARIABLE VALUE UNITS]
                      [--record RECORD [RECORD ...]] [--play PORT FILENAME]
                      [--seed SEED] [--properties_seed PROPERTIES_SEED]
                      [--min_delay DELAY UNITS] [--device_delay DELAY UNITS]
                      [--build_mode BUILD_MODE] [--build_dir BUILD_DIR]
                      [--build_version BUILD_VERSION]
                      model {neuron,nest} time timestep

Positional Arguments

model Path to nineml model file which to simulate. It can be a relative path, absolute path, URL or if the path starts with ‘//’ it will be interpreted as a ninemlcatalog path. For files with multiple components, the name of component to simulated must be appended after a #, e.g. //neuron/izhikevich#izhikevich

Possible choices: neuron, nest

Which simulator backend to use

time Time to run the simulation for (ms)
timestep Timestep used to solve the differential equations (ms)

Named Arguments


Set the property to the given value

Default: []

--init_regime Initial regime for dynamics

Initial regime for dynamics

Default: []


Record the values from the send port or state variable and the filename to save it into. Each record option can have either 2 or 4 arguments: PORT/STATE-VARIABLE FILENAME [T_START T_START_UNITS]

Default: []


Name of receive port and filename with signal to play it into

Default: []

--seed Random seed used to create network and properties
 Random seed used to create network connections and properties. If not provided it is generated from the ‘–seed’ option.
--min_delay The minimum delay of the model (only applicable for single cell NEST simulations)
--device_delay The delay applied to signals played into ports of the model (only applicable for NEST simulations)

The strategy used to build and compile the model. Can be one of ‘lazy’, ‘force’, ‘require’, ‘build_only’, ‘generate_only’, ‘purge’ (default “lazy”)

Default: “lazy”

--build_dir Base build directory
 Version to append to name to use when building component classes


To simulate network simulations on Neuron over multiple cores you need to use the MPI command mpirun -n <ncores> pype9 simulate <options> and have installed Neuron with the --with-mpi option (see Installation)


Simple tool for plotting the output of PyPe9 simulations using Matplotlib. Since Pype9 output is stored in Neo format, it can be used to plot generic Neo files but it also includes handling of Pype9-specific annotations, such as regime transitions.

usage: pype9 plot [-h] [--save SAVE] [--dims WIDTH HEIGHT] [--hide]
                  [--resolution RESOLUTION]

Positional Arguments

filename Neo file outputted from a PyPe9 simulation

Named Arguments

--save Location to save the figure to

Dimensions of the plot

Default: (10, 8)


Whether to show the plot or not

Default: False


Resolution of the figure when it is saved

Default: 300.0


Tool to convert 9ML files between different supported formats (e.g. XML, JSON, YAML) and 9ML versions.

usage: pype9 convert [-h] [--nineml_version NINEML_VERSION] in_file out_file

Positional Arguments

in_file 9ML file to be converted
out_file Converted filename

Named Arguments

--nineml_version, -v
 The version of nineml to output


Prints help information associated with a PyPe9 command

usage: pype9 help [-h] cmd

Positional Arguments

cmd Name of the command to print help information


The available pipelines can be listed with:

$ pype9 help
usage: pype9 <cmd> <args>

available commands:
        Converts a 9ML file from one supported format to another
        Prints help information associated with a PyPe9 command
        Convenient script for plotting the output of PyPe9 simulations (actually not
        9ML specific as the signals are stored in Neo format)
        Runs a simulation described by an Experiment layer 9ML file

More detailed help messages for each available pipeline can be viewed by supplying its name to the help:

$ pype9 help plot
usage: pype9 plot [-h] [--save SAVE] [--dims WIDTH HEIGHT] [--hide]
               [--resolution RESOLUTION]

Convenient script for plotting the output of PyPe9 simulations (actually not
9ML specific as the signals are stored in Neo format)

positional arguments:
  filename              Neo file outputted from a PyPe9 simulation

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --save SAVE           Location to save the figure to
  --dims WIDTH HEIGHT   Dimensions of the plot
  --hide                Whether to show the plot or not
  --resolution RESOLUTION
                        Resolution of the figure when it is saved