Unsupported 9ML

NineML aims to be a comprehensive description language for neural simulation. This means that it allows the expression of some uncommon configurations that are difficult to implement in Neuron and NEST. Work is planned to make the Neuron and NEST pipelines in Pype9 fully support NineML, however until then the following restrictions apply to models that can be used with Pype9.

  • synapses must be linear (to be relaxed in v0.2)
  • synapses can only have one variable that varies over a projection (e.g. weight) (to be relaxed in v0.2)
  • no analog connections between populations (i.e. gap junctions) (gap junctions to be implemented in v0.2)
  • only one event send port per cell (current limitation of Neuron/NEST)
  • names given to NineML elements are not escaped and therefore can clash with built-in keywords and some PyPe9 method names (e.g. ‘lambda’ is a reserved keyword in Python). Please avoid using names that clash with C++ or Python keywords (all 9ML names will be escaped in PyPe9 v0.2).