Developer Documentation

Contributions to Pype9 are most welcome! To contribute simply fork Pype9 on Github and create a pull request when you are ready to merge your code.

Contributions are required to: * Strictly adhere to Pep8 (PyLint is useful for checking this) * Not significantly decrease the code coverage. Meaning that you will probably need to add a unittest or two.

Additional Simulator Backends

An area in which Pype9 can be extended is by adding support for additional simulator backends (e.g. Brian2, GeNN), including any that you may be developing.

One of the key benefits of clearly separating the model description language (i.e. NineML), and the associated NineML Python library, from simulator-specific code is that provides a clearly defined interface for adding support for additional simulators. Therefore, extending Pype9 is definitely not a requirement for adding NineML support for your simulator (and from a language perspective a diversity of independent tools is desirable). However, since Pype9 has already implemented many of the menial tasks involved in working with NineML models, such as managing the build process and file IO, you may find it convenient to extend Pype9’s base classes.

In order to extend Pype9’s base classes you will need to override the following abstract methods.

Single Cell Simulations


  • generate_source_files
  • configure_build_files
  • compile_source_files
  • clean_src_dir
  • clean_compile_dir
  • load_libraries


  • _get
  • _set
  • _set_regime
  • record
  • record_regime
  • recording
  • _regime_recording
  • reset_recordings
  • play
  • connect

Network Simulations

At this stage Pype9’s network simulations are handled by PyNN so it is probably only practical to add support for simulators that are supported by PyNN. Future versions of Pype9 will likely introduce base classes for network objects, which can be extended though.

Additional Pipelines

Pype9 has been designed to be a general umbrella containing a wide range of pipelines for manipulating and working with NineML models in addition to running simulations.

Import Simulator-Specific Models

High on the list of useful additional pipelines are importer pipelines that take models, or part thereof, written in simulator specific code and translate them into NineML.

For example, a prototype NMODL_ and Neuron “model view” importers exists in the branch neuron_import at It would be great to extend this to other popular simulators such as NEST and Brian.

Graphical User Interface

Another key benefit of separating the model description from the simulation code is that it greatly simplifies the creation of graphical user interfaces with which to create models with. With the NineML Python Library able to read JSON files, a promising approach would be to create a javascript GUI that can read, modify and write NineML files to JSON that could then be simulated with different backends.